Sunday, March 29, 2009
Interesting race!!!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009
How does 'I' define it?
The content of this blog directly refers to one of my friend’s personal experiences, troubles and her recovery. The story is personal to her and so I won’t be sharing it but I will like to share my learning and conclusions from the story.
Many times in our lives we experience things that we have never thought of and are not prepared for. Explicitly I want to point out certain social dogmas which instead of binding the society tends to disintegrate it. And, ironically, we follow the social customs in hope to save ourselves from the consequences of disobedience to the society, though we are well aware of their hollowness. Eventually, we suffer for reasons that can’t be explained or comprehended.
These are the times when we need to stand against the forces that tend to change our course of life.
Actually, it's a person's understanding of the things that guides the recovery process in aftermath of an incident. I won't comment on how valid or invalid the cause of the incident could be. But, I feel like putting my thought on how our fundamentals can guide in the recovery process.
They say that some things are good and some things are bad. But, who are they. It's 'us' that is the appropriate word. And each 'I' is equally important and valuable to make an 'us'. And each 'I' should be very explicit and clear to make a true 'us'. So it is 'I' that defines 'our' good and bad. Hence, what makes you feel nice and worthy to the bliss of existence is actually what the word 'good' stands for. And the complementary side is the 'bad'.
But then what about evil, sin, etc?
It's true that what is good for one may be bad for other. Here we should take the guidance of nature. We are humans and we should let us be guided by our instincts. The point is that if two 'I' want to make an 'us'; it is nature there; and to defy nature is sin. If an individual wants to create a new trend then he/she could and should go ahead to define it.
The list of such ambiguous and heavy terms can be endless.
Actually they are made in such a way that everyone has something to say and appear wise. But, I think that if I can't comprehend the meaning of a single term them there is no meaning for it because I constitute the society and I have the responsibility to lead it in the right direction.
It is nothing but an individual's thinking and philosophy, when rehearsed or collaborated by many, is eventually established as a way of living, over a period of time; Later we may adorn vivid references for this setup like 'the system', 'social norms', 'public opinion', 'public view', etc. I think even 'Culture' and 'Civilization have their basic philosophy evolving & maturing in this way. Every person has its role to nurture the culture. What we do today will be the tradition tomorrow. So, a person should freely and passionately explore itself and express in order to add the true color of human behavior in a culture.
So, just believe what you want to. There should be no space for knowledge from authority unless the authority is able to explain it.
Its a new world and we have the responsibily to define it.