Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Terrible Mistake

Yesterday, I applied for XAT 2011 but did a terrible mistake on the application form.

I had been thinking since a long time to fill the form and send to XLRI. But due to some or the other reason it was getting postponed.

November 30, was the last day, so I could not have postponed more. I came back from office after a very long day at 2 AM at Nov 30th. I finally, Read the various notification and filled the form by 5 AM.

The form is filled in two phases. Step 1 was to fill a XAT form.  This is like a registration and after registration comes Step 2. This is choosing the course you want to study. XLRI offers BM (Business Management), GMP (Graduate Management Program) and HRM (Human Resource Management) with XAT exams.

For GMP, we need to have 5 years of experience.

I did a mistake. I chose GMP instead of BM and paid for it. I realized the mistake after I paid for GMP. I tried to find a way to correct the mistake. I think XAT does not expect applicants to chose wrong option as such there was no method available on website. The number provided on website was also of no help. So the only way was to send the application as it is and send a request mail to admissions department elaborating the story.

Below is the mail I sent.

I was supposed to apply for BM instead of GMP. I realized the wrong selection after I did the payments for PA form.However, I was not allowed to change the option after that, nor was there any other method available on the website. I also tried to reach the telephone numbers (1800 102 1123  and 1800 103 1123) provided on website, but did not get a response. So, today being the last day, I have sent the form, to XAT office.

I only have 2.5 years of experience as such I am not eligible for GMP. The cost of application to BM is less than that for GMP. I do not want any refund, I just seek the change of option from GMP to BM. I am hoping, my application to GMP could be changed to BM.

Please help me get the options changed.

It was indeed a very good lesson learnt. Last day rush are not very good.

I hope XAT will empathize with my situation and have the option changed.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Sorry kkand

(Double K in the title is a good luck charm as well as a reference to one character of the below story, wiz, KK)

It was indeed good to meet one of my old friends after over an year. Whenever, I come to my home town I visit my friends, who are there in town. Such meeting starts from two people and grows by calling the other people available to a common meeting place. This time we talked about an ancient story which is narrated below.

The Sorry "KKand".

Can you believe that someone could complain against on you for saying "Sorry".
This "KKand" involves following characters: AG, PK, KK, MAYA, SS, PCS, TEACHER1 and TEACHER2.

This is an old story, and dates back to the last year of last century of the previous millennia.
There were three boy AG, PK and PCS. These were not the ordinary boys. They were as wise as wizards, as smart as prince and brave.

PCS was a dreamer and master of such mystical powers which empowered him to make fictitious characters.
MAYA was one such fictitious character made by PCS. However, as AG and PK where themselves so wise that they could see through the spell PCS could cast. However, at moments they used to get worried for PCS who took Maya so seriously that he would treat it as a real girl. AG and PK only wondered if PCS is craving for a girl so badly.

PK was a very talented boy. One funny thing about PK was that when he was nervous his lips used to sake. PK was more like a playboy in spirit, but just a bit shy to express his feelings to anyone. He had a visage of a saint but with every possible scenario dancing inside his head. I bet, had PK put his thoughts in action, I would have ended writing "KKand" like this daily and that too with different characters starring alongside PK.

AG was wisest of all three and along with many mystical powers, he possessed one power that he was afraid of, incase used against PK and PCS, was his power to woo girls. PK and PCS were attracted to KK and SS respectively. AG never wanted to exercise his powers against his friends.

This story (more appropriately "KKand") is a story of Sacrifice and Love of AG towards his friends, PK in particular.

For sake of PK, AG agreed to take part in PK’s plan. The idea was to act a villain in between PK and KK, so that KK comes closer to PK and move as far as possible from AG.

The idea was noble but the thing they were against was very powerful (Mystical powers of AG). Had it not been AG himself it would have been rather impossible to implement this plan. So, moved by PK's plea, AG escorted the three of them to TEACHER1.

TEACHER1 and TEACHER2 were basically two clan head, head of two distinct and prominent school of thoughts. AG. PK, PCS & SS were of TEACHER1 clan and KK & her friends were of TEACHER2 clan.

Disciples of TEACHER2 clan were money minded and studied conservative philosophy. Rumors were that TEACHER2 clan also practiced witchcraft and the many of the numerous assaults on AG, PK and PCS were planned there. Not all in TEACHER2 clan were bad souls, however, groomed in such an environment, they became corrupt and miss-guided. There have been a few exception to this way of living in TEACHER2 clan, an example was one girl whom people in the TEACHER2 clan referred to as JLD; she was an exception, and she was as pure in soul as beautiful. As AG thought, she was an observer to AG's act and AG was her admirer. It was a wonderful and unique relation that even AG was not able to contemplate and wondered if she could have defined it.

Where as, the methods of TEACHER1 clan were more modern and free minded. They were more novel as well as noble. The followers of TEACHER1 clan were always eager to help others. They were benign and thoughtful for all. TEACHER1 people were highly intellectual. Even with all these powers and abilities, they gave heed to decisions of heart and for common good.

These boys clear at there heart revealed the truth before their clan head, TEACHER1. TEACHER1 was a mighty person with great wit, yet humble, kind and thoughtful. He listened to the plight of PK's heart and the noble intent of AG. He was moved by the beautiful thought of his disciples. PK told how he felt about KK and pleaded to TEACHER1 for help. It was a tough call for TEACHER1 as his acts were about to put him in direct confrontation with TEACHER2. TEACHER1 never wanted that to happen as it would have been a catastrophic event. TEACHER1 against TEACHER2 will be two major clans against each other. This will eventually force other clans to line up to one of the sides. Which ever side won, there would be bloodshed and harm to innocent people. People who are not even aware of the cause will be hurt. Obviously the mighty will be responsible for all this, i.e., TEACHER1 and TEACHER2. But as by nature TEACHER2 clan is devious and will not give a second thought before triggering this clash. So it is TEACHER1 who needs to be responsible in taking a decision. If he does something in whim it will be foolish and he will be blamed because he is the guardian of good and not TEACHER2.

TEACHER1 took some time to assimilate PK’s plan. Then with a sigh gave a node. He knew it could go all wrong and only he could save everything if he moves correctly and swiftly.

There was a gathering of all the TEACHERs from various clans at a place called the council of Titans. It was a common council where common laws and methods were formulated to avoid conflicts. At times individuals that did the "Direction offense" were tried and punished.  Direction offence was an offense were the accused not only breaks a common law but even sets an example that such breaking of law was possible and correct. Crime of these type were punishable with the highest penalty and were tried in the council. To set an example, the council members did the execution of the punishment in public gatherings.

TEACHER2 was on her way to the council. It was then when her clan headquarters were least protected. As planned TEACHER1 went in the dreaded zone and looked for KK. He met KK and praised her. He was delighted by the youth of KK and was happy for PK. He blessed her thinking that if every thing goes well, soon KK will be a member of his clan. While he blessed KK, some of the trainee witches of TEACHER2 clan were watching him, they wanted him to stay as they have already sent a messenger to TEACHER2 and they waited in anticipation for the drama when the titans will clash. As soon as the message reached TEACHER2, she was on a run, but she was late when reached. TEACHER1 was already out of the scene and was moving to the council, as it was there where he had to enact the next episode in the brilliant plan and he had to act fast. He had to strike and get out clean, before TEACHER2 could understand everything and create a havoc. TEACHER1 explained the council that the course of event that just occurred were purely bilateral affair and could not be treated as a reason of dispute between the clans. This matter was between clan of TEACHER1 and TEACHER2 and they should take over it. He convinced that any further development on this issue will also be bilateral and should be dealt without the council's intervention. This way he also saved the innocent bloodshed and chaos that TEACHER2 could have created by inducing a bipolar shift in the council. TEACHER2 reached back to the council just to know that she was again too late to do anything. The swift action of TEACHER1 and brilliant planning made this possible without putting anyone in harm's way. Now it was all up to AG and his group to take the queue and reach to conclusion. Moreover, it was up to PK, as he will have to stand up for his dreams. AG can always help him and being a born fighter & leader, AG could have won this war for him, but this was not his war so it should not be his victory. He hoped that PK would be able to do what he was meant to do and most importantly when he was meant to do.

TEACHER2 was furious and wanted a revenge. She asked KK to lodge a complain in the council which KK could not do. She has seen the light in TEACHER1 and read the untold message from PK. She knew she will have a flight out of this clan and will be free to explore the heaven with PK. And above all she knew that AG was backing PK. She no more belonged to TEACHER2 clan. She just told TEACHER2 that there was not enough evidence to support the complaint. She did this to sooth TEACHER2 and buy some time till the magic happens.

KK, AG, PK used to stay nearby and took the same route back to home. They used to board a big iron machine called "Z7" provided by the council. Z7 was a unique piece of engineering, innovation and in many ways mystery or to say it was a piece of magic. No one knew the origin of Z7 except a giant hermit with long hairs. We used to think that Z7 was as old as him. Z7 was magical, as it could accommodate any number of people. Everyone wondered how it worked and till when will it continue to work.

KK lived in a far minaret named after an ancient beauty. AG, PK and PCS used to see in awe the height of the tower and wondered how someone could live there. The tower was so high that last floor where KK lived was in clouds. When PK used to say that KK is from heaven, he meant it literally.

PK was feeling sorry for KK, as she was still in dark; he wanted to say sorry to her, but could not. So, the leader, AG took lead and conveyed this to KK. This made KK confused and sad. She was confused as why couldn’t PK come and talk to her and sad because she never expected that PK would need help to convey his feelings to her. Indeed, talking help in the plan was justified but here it should have been PK who should have talked. It was common practice in TEACHER2 clan to take advice from witches. KK told all this to one of the TRAINEE witches. The TRAINEE witch counseled KK to complain against PK, which she could not, so the TRAINEE witch plotted against AG. KK was carried away and she complained to TEACHER2. This was not much of a complain. How could one be tried only to say sorry. However, TEACHER2 got a chance and came to punish AG. Thanks to TEACHER1 that she was not able to touch AG.

All these characters were blessed with long life, and all these lived to see the next millennium.

PK and KK have a longer story now, but they still are undecided.

PK went to South and came back with knowledge of life and living being.

PCS went to North in search of Truth. As AG and PK thought, it was love that PCS believed to be the only truth. North revealed the truth to him.

KK went to various places and gained the skill to control material.

AG went to many and different places and gained unprecedented knowledge of many things.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Bought a place on www.


Yesterday, I registered a domain name on www.

Day before yesterday, one of my friend told me about his website. The website’s name was on his name. I thought him to be lucky to get a domain name same as his name when his name was one of the most common names in my country. There were 3 of them in my high school class, only. I though that either he was too lucky or he just paid some extra for the domain name. Whatever the case be, it gave me some hope of finding a domain name similar to my name, if not same; after all there was only one more guy with my name in my school. If only the probability has to be considered, I stood more likely to find one provided he found one. The second good point was that it was cheaper than what I had always thought. In couple of hundred rupees you get the domain name for the entire year, and you could get to sustain it for about same amount for the subsequent years plus some service charges.

So I googled the websites that provide domain name registration and chose one of them to look if my name was already registered or not.To my awe, I got my full name available for dot com domain name. I booked it, and paid the bill. In 24 hours I got a confirmation that the domain name has been registered. So, finally I got one on www.

This is was indeed a good experience, it was analogous to buying a piece of land in real world. As we book a land, we get a fixed address. On www, now I have a place, next I need is to build the building. I think, that either I need two months of intensive learning to build it myself or I would hire someone to help me out. However, this is yet to be decided.

As of today, what I am zealous about is that I have a domain name that is equal to my full name. Whenever or whatever, I will put on there; at least, I am now sure that I do not need to compromise on domain name.


Monday, November 22, 2010

Microsoft giving it free

Microsoft Essentials and Microsoft Security Essentials.

The most amazing part of these tools is that they are Microsoft products and still are available for free; just that your OS should be a Genuine Windows OS.

I just tried Windows Live Writer. This is my second post using this tool. The first one was a simple test if this is working or not. It is indeed very handy to write using the tool. Editing is done on a “MS Word” like page, plus, you can have your theme set in the background so that you know how is it going to look when posted.

Another change I have done was Anti-Virus Software. Earlier I was using, a software provided by my company. Now I have switched to Microsoft Security Essentials. Lets see, how well it goes with it.

Thanks to Google/Mozilla/Wikkipedia/etc etc, who have changed the concept in the market and we who have already paid so much on software are now getting these “genuine” payment advantages. Smile