Oh, that was a
scene. His fall was as glorious as his fight. He knew that he will not live
after this defect hits the ground;
still he was as calm as if there was no crisis. The expression on his face was
indifferent to what was about to come. This simply made a mockery of the enemy
efforts. The enemy wanted to see pain while they get their revenge. But some
things just don't exist and to pursue them only causes pain to one. As
is the desire to see pain on a true warrior developer's face. He took the hit.
The blast killed all the low life insurgents he had been fighting with and badly
injured the developer. However, he did not die. It seems that fate did not
write his death by the hands of testers. In course of time the age of warranty
support was over and so was the war. The enemy was defected, shattered,
disoriented and dormant. Victory was no
more their target; they had lost too bad to even think of a victory. They just
needed revenge. They again relied on diplomacy to do the Job. They also had to
blame someone for the loss in war. They made a small team and hand-picked some
of the nice testers, who though born as tester had heart and mind. They
crucified them and created an example amongst their followers. The developer
lost some of his close allies, friends and spies he placed in this mad
shootout. This was a diplomatic way to show the client that the same exercise
needs to be followed by the development team. The after war development team
was a new team as one of the most glorious leader of the team had retired.
There was a fresh leadership. This young prince was not as mature as the one
preceding him. He wanted to do good things for the team but did not understand
as well as his previous leader did. He followed the queue. The bait placed by
enemy was taken. He made a small committee of either new commanders or
incompetent commanders to judge the war. These were not the right people for
the job. They just wanted to complete the job rather than doing the actual root
cause analysis. This committee blamed the hero warrior whom they should have
hailed, adorned with medals and written songs about. It broke his heart. The
warrior who single handedly took an entire User Acceptance Test regiment and
survived the blast from the direct hit of a severity one defect in the most
difficult phases of the war, died of a heart attack caused by a false
accusation and incompetent bureaucracy.
It rained heavily
that day. They say that even God cried on his demise. The legend is that God
asked him if he wants to go back again and do things right. He said no. He had
no one to return for. His own people were no more his own.
And, the prophecy is that,
"The one who is
sleeps shall come back and free these lands from the shackles of undeserving
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